Weight loss—I know, I know.  It can be a triggering subject for many because essentially, we’ve all been exposed to a bunch of nonsense that makes it incredibly hard to separate fact from fiction. But the bottom line is that you can see success with the right strategy, and I can help you. So here are a few ways I look at food and how we at Ezratty Integrative Aesthetics can make you feel beautiful. 

Your Body’s Cues 

Diet is a lifestyle, and you need to look at food and what it’s doing to your body. For example, does it make your skin glow, or do you have joint pain?  Do you have energy, or are you feeling sluggish? Your body is constantly giving you cues that the food you’re feeding it doesn’t work for it. 

Mixed Messaging 

There’s a lot of bad information out there about diet—it’s how food companies make money, after all. But the truth of the matter is that sugar needs to go, especially if you are in perimenopause or going through another hormonal change. 

Your body sees sugar as sugar, whether it’s brown sugar, white sugar, coconut sugar, molasses, or carbohydrates, which are all sugars.  As a culture, we get overloaded with carbs and sugar. It’s just everywhere, and it’s easy to think that putting brown sugar or agave into your coffee is “healthier.” However, it’s not—it’s still sugar. And it impacts your glucose levels, which can then mess with your weight. 


The single biggest takeaway you need to know about weight loss is that consistency is key. Unfortunately, we as a society don’t have a very long attention span, and we expect instant gratification and instant results. And understandably, we turn to our inner circles to find out what works for them, but the truth is that what works for one might not work for another, and quick diet fixes are just band-aids, not long-term solutions. 

Think of me as your diet and health sponsor. It takes time and commitment, not a quick fix. You need support, structure, and accountability to be successful. That’s why group work is always more successful! I am here to be your support. 

Medical Diagnosis

Medical diagnosis is paramount to changing food habits—you must find out what’s going on in your body, and sometimes you only can know from labs analyzed by a medical professional like me. There could be something going on to cause you to gain weight, such as hormonal abnormalities or a thyroid problem, or it could be situational weight gain due to grief or loss. I can help you assess what’s going on and where to go from there.

Changing Habits

Once we’ve established any diagnoses and committed to consistency, we can then work on changing habits and turn them into a lifestyle, not just a diet. In my office, we can work together to make the changes. It’s not just about going to the gym—trainers often don’t know how to advise women on how to lose weight properly—or following antiquated advice. Instead, I use strategies like intermittent fasting, glucose shedding, and using stored fat for fuel on a fuel, fat, fiber, and protein diet. 


You’ve probably heard a lot about GLP-1 agonists like Semaglutide, Wegovy, and Mounjaro. They’re medications designed for Type II diabetics, but in a study it was revealed that most patients on them lost weight. A further study was conducted for weight loss only with these medications, and everyone that received a GLP-1 agonist (Semaglutide) lost weight. However, eighty-five percent of people who took the drugs regained their lost weight within two years because no nutrition or exercise modification was included.  

At EIA, I offer medical treatments as a complement to addressing the root cause of weight gain—a patient’s dietary habits. To be a candidate at EIA, you must be overweight, which I determine through a comprehensive medical assessment. Next, we do a lab analysis to ensure nothing is underlying that needs to be addressed such as thyroid disease, arthritis due to being overweight, or a variety of other medical issues that could rule you out as a GLP-1 candidate. Then, of course, we also talk about nutrition, exercise, and general lifestyle to determine if you’re eligible. 

We’re supporting you on this journey, which requires seeing us for weekly doses and appointments bi-monthly for nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications. That way, we can sustain your weight loss and increase your likelihood of carrying through with these lifestyle habits. In addition, we carefully monitor you to ensure you receive the best dose and care possible to help you succeed long-term. 

Let me help you with your weight loss journey in a safe, accountable, and sustainable way. I’ve studied anti-aging, nutrition, and performance medicine under some of the world’s most renowned integrative and functional medicine experts. I want to help you succeed!

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Founder & CEO of Resonant Pixel Co.  I've been creating websites since 1996, started with Squarespace in 2010, and now create and manage website as a productized service. 


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